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Restorative Dentistry

restorative dentistry
Contact us at 603-224-4200 to schedule an appointment in our Concord, NH office.

The Importance of Restorative Dentistry:

Promoting Oral Health. Protecting your teeth from damage has important implications for the stability of your overall masticatory (chewing) system. Reducing pain, loss of function, and stress on other components of the system is key here. Your teeth are an important part of your body – let us help you keep them for life!

Promoting Mental Health. In recent years, mental health has gained greater traction in research and healthcare spheres. This confirms what we probably have always known as individuals – our mental state and the way we feel about ourselves have great influence over the way we see the world and the trajectory of our lives. The effects of a healthy-looking and feeling mouth on your mental well-being and confidence are significant and may be an important component in achieving and maintaining mental wellness.

Promoting Systemic Health. The mouth is the entryway to our digestive system, the system that all of our organs depend on to get the nutrients needed to function. Oral health problems are associated with a variety of other health conditions. These problems include uncontrolled bacteria and the resulting inflammation originating in the mouth, constricted airways causing sleep apnea, and poor function affecting digestive health, to name a few. One of the keys to a long, fulfilling, and happy life is protecting the body through which we experience it. The human body functions as a system, so taking great care of each element benefits your entire health.

Minimizing Dental Expenses. Identifying and addressing problems early can prevent the need for more complex and costly dental procedures in the future.
  • The earlier we identify a problem, the easier it is to manage. This generally translates to lower costs, less invasive interventions, and better results, moving us towards the goal of preserving your teeth for life.
  • When teeth are lost, even more invasive and costly procedures such as bridges, implants, or removable prosthetics may be required. Missing teeth can also lead to reduced function, adverse effects on esthetics, and a destabilized bite that can result in teeth shifting or tipping. These negative consequences can, in turn, result in jaw pain or more areas of decay as it gets harder to clean appropriately around the teeth that remain. The more teeth that are damaged or lost, the more stress is distributed to the teeth that remain, which then tend to suffer more failures, such as breakage or loosening. This can become a vicious cycle that patients may wish to avoid.

Biomimetic Dentistry:

Once necessary, having a restorative intervention completed is the most important factor in stabilizing oral health. The second most important factor is how we accomplish it.

Biomimetic Dentistry is defined as the reconstruction of teeth to emulate their natural biomechanical and esthetic form and function.

The goals of biomimetic dentistry are:

  • To repair teeth in a way that is both attractive and functional
  • To decrease the likelihood of post-operative complications
  • To increase the restorative life-cycle of teeth (i.e. help you keep your teeth longer!) by decreasing the severity of restorative failures when they occur

This is accomplished by:

  • Taking the time necessary to work precisely and carefully
  • Using gold-standard dental restorative materials
  • Implementing conservative, modern methods and advanced techniques”

Composite Restorations (Fillings)

Composite Fillings

Solutions for damaged teeth that are created freehand in your mouth, composite restorations are generally best suited for smaller areas of damage, or for teeth that have little structural compromise.

Learn more about Composite Restorations


Inlay Photo
Inlays can be thought of as “stronger” fillings. These can be used as an alternative to larger fillings, where we use CAD/CAM technology to manufacture the filling outside of your mouth, before adhering it to your tooth.
Learn more about Inlays 

Dental Crowns & Onlays

Dental Crowns

These are restorations designed to provide more protection for a structurally weakened tooth. They are generally indicated when a tooth has deep cracks, large decay, heavy wear, or missing/damaged/weakened cusps. These restorations are manufactured outside of the mouth with the help of CAD/CAM technology or a laboratory.

Learn more about Dental Crowns & Onlays 

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridge Graphic
A dental bridge can replace missing teeth without the use of a denture or dental implant. A bridge is composed of two crowns and a replacement tooth or teeth. Crowns are typically placed on the teeth on either side of the space, with the fabricated tooth or teeth attached in between.
Learn more about Dental Bridges

Dental Implant Restorations

Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implants replace missing teeth and protect existing teeth by helping to preserve bone structure. Dental implants are composed of three pieces: a small screw made of a biocompatible metal called titanium, an abutment that connects the screw, and the final restoration.

Learn more about Dental Implant Restorations

Root Canal Therapy

Male Patient in Dental Chair

Root canal therapy helps patients keep a badly damaged tooth longer by removing infected or irreversibly inflamed nerve (pulp) tissue. Root canal treatment is typically recommended for patients whose teeth have suffered from deep decay or for teeth that have experienced a traumatic injury that has damaged the tooth nerves, resulting in either tooth pain or bacterial colonization of the nerve space. Depending on the anticipated complexity of the treatment, or our schedule, we may recommend that you see an Endodontist (a dentist who specializes in root canal treatments), and will provide you a referral to a great local provider.

Looking for a practice in the Greater Concord area? Contact us at 603-224-4200 to schedule an appointment today!

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

Daniel S Haley DMD
5 Chenell Drive
Concord, NH 03301
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